Friday 12 October 2012

Projects and Programmes

This space will be used to share projects and organisations that work with communities living in the aftermath of the conflict in Sri Lanka.

First we have The Cartwheel Initiative, an organisation that uses art as a form of therapy for children living in communities recently affected by war. In 2011, around 250 children took part in a project conducted by TCI at 3 schools in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka: Mallavi Central College, Pandiyankulam College and Pooneryn School. The projects consisted of 4 different workshops: music, graphic design, photography and collage. 

They have a blog filled with wonderful photos of the children, the art exhibition that took place in Colombo and logs of the instructor's experiences . Check it out here.

Next, an exciting new project, The Vanni: a multimedia graphic novel about "the Sri Lankan conflict and rippling effects of war on a single Tamil family" by Benjamin Dix (author), who has worked with the UN and was based in Vanni from 2004 till the UN evacuation in 2008 and Lindsay Pollock (artist/film maker). 

This is supposed to be an on-going project, home to  blogs and news, so to keep posted about the continual developments and updates, check out their website and visit their facebook page