Sunday 7 October 2012


You feel it's absolutely necessary to wake up at five in the morning, every day. 
You refuse to wear socks, even when it's cold. 
You threw my brand new cardigan in the bin.
You were almost thrown in to a well by your mother. 
You left school at 16 and you haven't been back since. 
This blog is dedicated to Sivayogam, now 67, who is training to be a teacher at Goldsmiths University.  


The Sri Lanka Repository will document the preparation for and the journey to Sri Lanka in the summer of 2013. It will be used as a log for all my ideas for things that I would like to do there. It will also be used to log the details of projects and causes to do with all things Sri Lanka, particularly post-conflict related ones.

Though I am interested in the politics of Sri Lanka, this will not be home to political ideas or discussion. I do, however, hope to include politically relevant details that I think might be fascinating. This is a mere record of personal thoughts and developments in relation to the two months I will be spending in Sri Lanka. 

p.s.  lie-ins aren't illegal and next time you go to Sri Lanka, take some sunscreen. It'll help avoid the situation you had this time around.