Saturday 13 April 2013

Shawshank Redemption

This scene from Shawshank Redemption sums up what I imagine will happen when I start shifting through books for the library...

Monday 1 April 2013

Projects and Programmes #2

Building Blocks is a small charity project, set up by a few individuals, who scour war-torn parts of Sri Lanka to find orphanages that need help. 

In the last two years, they've visited Trincomalee and Kilinocchi, in an effort to help the local orphanages.
They've built a kitchen for the Sivananda Thapovanam orphanage and have also planned to build a dormitory for an orphanage housing around 50 girls who all sleep, eat and study in the same building. Medical initiatives have also been set up: a hydration scheme where orphanages are provided with water bottles and informative posters as well as a nutritional supplement programme.   

After the success of their last fundraiser, Strike 2012, a football tournament that raised over £1000. They have arranged a sponsored bike challenge, the Big Bike Hike, around Croatia that is set to happen in May this year.

Visit the facebook page for more updates and details about their upcoming events.